A Baby comforter made from sheepskin is brilliant for babies and toddlers. New Zealand mothers have used them for over 130 years as they know they calm, soothe and comfort babies. These sheepskin rugs can be used in a stroller, pram, car seat, or chair or you can lay it on the floor for a…
Your estimated delivery time will be 2 business days (excluding weekends and bank holidays) from the time of order. Postcode Restrictions may apply. Please note delivery to mainland UK addresses only.
Discover the Dolce Gusto De’Longhi coffee convenience with the Dolce Gusto® Genio S Plus coffee machine. An ultra-compact, automatic coffee machine with seamless design and innovative features. Create professional quality coffees with a thick velvety crema, whilst adjusting the level of intensity, temperature and drink size to suit your taste. Compatible with the full range of…
To receive a sample swatch, contact onlinefurniture@hazloez.co.uk with your name, address and the item description that corresponds with your selection.
We will contact you within 2 business days for delivery within 10 business days from the date of your order (excluding weekends and bank holidays). Postcode restrictions may apply
– Pocket coils seat cushion & Sinuous spring suspension
– USB port
– Leggett & Platt® reclining mechanism
– Power Headrest
We will contact you within 3 business days for delivery within 5 business days from the date of your order (excluding weekends and bank holidays). Postcode restrictions may apply.
Are you looking to make a purchase of home goods online?
With the wide range of home goods for sale online, finding products you’re in search of can be difficult. However, if you have a clear idea of what you’re looking for and where to find it, the process is much easier.
Our home goods products can be used in or around the house or inside of a building. It usually refers to furniture, appliances, electronics, and other household items.
HomeGoods is a leading home décor retailer offering the most exciting, fashionable and diverse assortment of home accessories. In our stores you will find an inspiring array of home furnishings that are designed to fit any style or need. From decorative accents and furniture, to cookware and dinnerware, we carry all the items that make your house your home.