how to bake a cake in an air fryer

Mastering How to Bake a Cake in an Air Fryer

Baking a cake in an air fryer can be a quick and energy-saving process, and with the right techniques, you can achieve delicious results.

Whether you’re new to air fryer baking or looking to expand your repertoire, this guide will walk you through the steps to bake a perfect cake using this innovative kitchen appliance. From choosing the right pan size to adjusting time and temperature, we’ll cover all the essential tips and tricks to help you become a master of air fryer cake baking.

So let’s dive in and discover the secrets of creating mouthwatering cakes in your air fryer!

  • Baking a cake in an air fryer can save time and energy.
  • Using a basic recipe and keeping it simple is recommended for beginners.
  • Choosing the right size pan is crucial for even baking.
  • Determining the correct time and temperature is essential for a well-baked cake.
  • Shielding the top of the cake can prevent over-browning.

Choosing the Right Size Pan for Air Fryer Baking

When it comes to baking a cake in an air fryer, choosing the right size pan is crucial for achieving uniform baking and a perfectly cooked cake. The size of the pan directly impacts the cooking time and the overall texture of the cake. Smaller pans are generally preferred for baking in an air fryer as they allow for better heat circulation, resulting in an evenly baked cake.

To determine the appropriate pan size for your air fryer, refer to the manufacturer’s guidelines or the recipe you are using. Most air fryer models have a maximum capacity that can accommodate pans of certain sizes. It’s important to follow these guidelines to ensure that the cake doesn’t overflow or cook unevenly.

When using a smaller pan in an air fryer, keep in mind that the cake may require less cooking time compared to a standard oven. The reduced size of the pan allows for faster heat distribution, which means the cake may bake more quickly. It’s essential to monitor the cake closely and adjust the cooking time accordingly.

baking cake in air fryer

In summary, when baking a cake in an air fryer, selecting the right size pan is vital for achieving a perfectly baked cake. Smaller pans allow for better heat circulation and ensure that the cake cooks evenly. Remember to refer to the manufacturer’s guidelines or recipe recommendations for pan size and adjust the cooking time accordingly. With the right size pan and a little experimentation, you’ll be able to create delicious and well-baked cakes in your air fryer.

Determining Time and Temperature for Air Fryer Baking

Getting the time and temperature right is key to successfully baking a cake in an air fryer, ensuring a fully cooked center without burning the crust. Since air fryers vary in performance, it’s important to follow a few guidelines when setting the time and temperature for your cake.

First, refer to the recipe you are using as a starting point. Most air fryer cake recipes provide suggested cooking times and temperatures. However, these are only estimates, and adjustments may be necessary based on your specific air fryer model and the size of the cake.

To determine the ideal time and temperature, perform a visual check during the baking process. Start by setting the timer for the suggested time in the recipe and monitor the cake periodically. If the top starts to brown too quickly, lower the temperature slightly and continue baking. Conversely, if the cake is not browning evenly or the center is still undercooked, increase the temperature and baking time incrementally until you achieve the desired results.

Remember, air fryer cooking times are usually shorter compared to traditional oven baking, so keep a close eye on your cake to avoid overcooking. It’s always better to slightly undercook the cake and allow it to finish cooking through residual heat than to end up with a dry and overdone cake.

baking with an air fryer
  • Preheat your air fryer before adding the cake batter for more consistent results.
  • Use the appropriate pan size recommended in the recipe or adjust the cooking time accordingly.
  • Avoid overcrowding the air fryer basket to ensure proper air circulation for even baking.
  • Keep the air fryer basket clean to prevent any burnt residue from affecting the taste or texture of your cake.
  • Experiment with different toppings and flavor combinations to customize your air fryer cakes.

By carefully selecting the time and temperature, and following these tips, you can master the art of baking cakes in an air fryer. Enjoy the convenience and delicious results that this innovative cooking method offers!

Shielding the Top of the Cake to Prevent Over-Browning

To prevent the top of your cake from burning in the air fryer, you can use simple techniques like covering it with aluminum foil or a heat-safe frying pan lid. This method creates a protective barrier that shields the cake from direct heat, allowing it to bake evenly without browning too quickly.

When using aluminum foil, loosely cover the top of the cake, ensuring that it doesn’t touch the batter. This will help distribute the heat more evenly and prevent any potential burning or over-browning. If you prefer using a frying pan lid, make sure it is heat-safe and fits securely over the cake pan.

By employing this technique, you can achieve a well-cooked cake with a moist and tender crumb, while still maintaining a beautifully golden crust. It’s important to note that the shielding method may slightly prolong the cooking time, so it’s advisable to keep a close eye on the cake and perform the toothpick test to check for doneness.

cake baked in an air fryer

“Shielding the top of the cake is a game-changer when it comes to air fryer baking. It ensures that the cake is cooked through without the risk of burning the top layer. It’s a simple yet effective technique that every air fryer baker should have in their repertoire.” – Home Baking Expert

Table: Adjusting Cooking Time for Different Pan Sizes

Pan SizeOriginal Cooking TimeAdjusted Cooking Time
6-inch25 minutes20 minutes
8-inch30 minutes25 minutes
9-inch35 minutes30 minutes

Adding Toppings for Flavor and Protection

Adding a topping to your air-fried cake not only adds extra flavor but also helps protect the cake from over-browning, resulting in a perfectly baked treat. Whether you prefer a classic buttercream frosting, a drizzle of chocolate ganache, or a sprinkle of powdered sugar, the options for toppings are endless.

To enhance the flavor profile of your cake, consider adding fresh fruits, such as berries or sliced peaches, which can provide a burst of sweetness and a hint of tartness. Nuts, such as chopped pecans or slivered almonds, can add a delightful crunch and earthy flavor. And for a touch of elegance, a dusting of edible gold or silver flakes can give your cake a glamorous finishing touch.

Don’t forget that toppings can also serve a practical purpose. If you find that your cake tends to brown too quickly in the air fryer, a layer of foil over the top can help prevent over-browning and ensure even baking. This technique allows the cake to cook through without the fear of the top layer burning. Remember to secure the foil gently to avoid disturbing the cake batter.

air fryer cake with toppings
Buttercream FrostingA classic choice with a creamy texture and sweet flavor
Chocolate GanacheA rich and glossy topping made from melted chocolate and cream
Fresh BerriesA burst of vibrant color and natural sweetness
Powdered SugarA simple and elegant option for a touch of sweetness
NutsCrunchy and flavorful additions for extra texture

With a range of toppings to choose from, you can experiment and create your own unique combinations to suit your taste preferences. The key is to have fun and let your creativity soar. So, why not try adding a delicious and eye-catching topping to your next air-fried cake and elevate it to a delectable masterpiece?

Basic Air Fryer Chocolate Cake Recipe

Whether you prefer using a boxed cake mix or making your cake from scratch, this basic air fryer chocolate cake recipe will satisfy your sweet tooth. With the convenience of an air fryer, you can achieve a moist and delicious cake without the hassle of preheating the oven. Let’s dive into this easy recipe that will surely impress your family and friends.


  • 1 box of chocolate cake mix (or homemade cake mix)
  • 3 eggs
  • 1/2 cup vegetable oil
  • 1 cup water


  1. In a mixing bowl, combine the chocolate cake mix, eggs, vegetable oil, and water. Mix well until all ingredients are fully incorporated.
  2. Preheat your air fryer to 325°F (163°C).
  3. Grease your air fryer pan or cake pan with cooking spray or oil to prevent sticking.
  4. Pour the cake batter into the greased pan and spread it evenly.
  5. Place the pan in the preheated air fryer and bake for 25-30 minutes or until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean.
  6. Once the cake is done, carefully remove it from the air fryer and allow it to cool completely before frosting or adding any toppings.

Now that your basic air fryer chocolate cake is ready, you can get creative with the toppings. Dust it with powdered sugar, drizzle it with chocolate ganache, or decorate it with your favorite frosting. The possibilities are endless! Enjoy this delectable treat with a cup of tea or share it with your loved ones.

Recipe Summary
Cooking Time25-30 minutes
Basic Air Fryer Chocolate Cake Recipe

If you’re using a different sized pan in your air fryer, it’s important to refer to conversion charts to adjust the cooking time accordingly and achieve a perfectly baked cake. The size of the pan directly affects how long it takes for the cake to cook through, as well as the overall texture and consistency. By making the necessary adjustments, you can ensure that your cake turns out just right every time.

When using a smaller pan than the recipe calls for, keep in mind that the cake will likely cook faster. This is because the batter is spread thinner, allowing more heat to reach the center of the cake. In contrast, a larger pan may require a longer cooking time to ensure that the cake is fully baked in the center without becoming dry or overcooked on the edges.

A conversion chart can be a helpful tool in determining the adjusted cooking time for different pan sizes. It provides a guide based on the original recipe, allowing you to calculate the appropriate cooking time based on the specific dimensions of your pan. Remember to also consider the temperature at which the cake is being baked, as higher temperatures can result in faster cooking times.

Air Fryer Baking Tips
Pan SizeOriginal Recipe Cooking TimeAdjusted Cooking Time
8-inch round30 minutes25 minutes
9-inch round35 minutes40 minutes
6-inch square25 minutes20 minutes

Keep in mind that these conversion times are estimates and may vary depending on your specific air fryer model and the ingredients used. It’s always a good idea to check the cake for doneness by inserting a toothpick into the center. If it comes out clean or with a few moist crumbs, then the cake is ready to be removed from the air fryer.

Additional Air Fryer Cake Recipes

In addition to the basic chocolate cake recipe, here are some more delightful air fryer cake recipes to try and indulge in the world of air fryer baking. These recipes offer a variety of flavors and textures, allowing you to experiment and satisfy your sweet tooth. Let’s dive in!

Lemon Blueberry Bundt Cake

This refreshing cake combines the zesty flavors of lemon with the burst of juicy blueberries. The air fryer ensures a moist and tender crumb, while the tangy glaze adds an extra pop of flavor. It’s perfect for a summer dessert or a special occasion. Give it a try and impress your guests with this vibrant and delicious cake.

Salted Caramel Apple Cake

This cake is the epitome of autumnal indulgence. The combination of sweet apples, rich caramel, and a touch of salt creates a harmonious blend of flavors that will leave you wanting more. Whether you’re enjoying it with a cup of tea or serving it as a dessert after a cozy dinner, this air fryer cake is sure to delight your taste buds.

Matcha Green Tea Cake

If you’re a fan of matcha, this cake is a must-try. The earthy and slightly bitter notes of matcha powder are beautifully balanced with a sweet and creamy frosting. This vibrant green cake is not only a treat for the taste buds but also a feast for the eyes. It’s a unique and delightful option for any green tea lover.

Recipe NamePrep TimeCooking TimeServings
Lemon Blueberry Bundt Cake15 minutes35 minutes8-10
Salted Caramel Apple Cake20 minutes40 minutes10-12
Matcha Green Tea Cake10 minutes30 minutes6-8

These air fryer cake recipes offer a delightful twist to traditional baking. With the ease and efficiency of an air fryer, you can enjoy homemade cakes without the need for a conventional oven. So, get your air fryer ready, gather the ingredients, and let your creativity soar as you explore the world of air fryer baking.

air fryer cake recipes

To ensure successful air fryer cake baking, here are some additional tips and tricks to help you navigate the process and achieve fantastic results.

  • Preheat your air fryer: Just like with a regular oven, preheating your air fryer before baking a cake is essential. This helps ensure that the heat is evenly distributed and that your cake bakes properly.
  • Use the right ingredients: When baking in an air fryer, it’s important to use ingredients that are suitable for this cooking method. Opt for recipes specifically designed for air fryer baking, or make adjustments to traditional recipes by reducing the sugar and fat content, as air fryers tend to cook faster.
  • Check for doneness: Since air fryers cook food faster than traditional ovens, it’s crucial to keep a close eye on your cake to prevent overcooking. Insert a toothpick into the center of the cake to test for doneness. If it comes out clean, your cake is ready.
  • Experiment with flavors: One of the greatest advantages of baking in an air fryer is the ability to experiment with different flavors. Don’t be afraid to get creative with your cake recipes, whether it’s adding spices, fruits, or even a splash of your favorite liqueur.

Remember, baking in an air fryer may require some trial and error to find the perfect cooking times and temperatures for your specific model. Don’t be discouraged if your first attempt doesn’t turn out exactly as planned. With practice and these helpful tips, you’ll soon become a master at baking delicious cakes in your air fryer.

Here’s an example of a conversion chart you can use to adjust cooking time based on the pan size:

Pan Size (in inches)Original Cooking TimeAdjusted Cooking Time
630 minutes25 minutes
840 minutes35 minutes
945 minutes40 minutes

Use this conversion chart as a starting point and make adjustments based on your specific air fryer and recipe. Keep in mind that different brands and models may vary in cooking times, so it’s always a good idea to test the doneness of your cake with a toothpick or cake tester before removing it from the air fryer.


Baking cakes in an air fryer can be a delightful and energy-saving experience. By keeping it simple and using a basic recipe, you can easily master the art of air fryer cake baking. Remember to choose the right size pan for even baking, determine the correct time and temperature, shield the top of the cake to prevent over-browning, and add delicious toppings for enhanced flavor.

Don’t forget to experiment with different recipes and flavors to find your favorite combinations. With these tips and tricks, you’ll be baking beautiful and delicious cakes in your air fryer in no time!

air fryer cake baking

Baking a cake in an air fryer opens up a world of possibilities, allowing you to create delicious treats with ease and efficiency. With the right tips and techniques, mastering this method can be a breeze.

Starting with a basic recipe and keeping it simple is key when venturing into air fryer cake baking. By choosing the right size pan, preferably a smaller one, you can ensure even baking and a perfectly cooked cake.

It is crucial to determine the correct time and temperature for baking in the air fryer, as achieving a fully baked center without burning the crust is essential. Shielding the top of the cake from burning can be easily done using aluminum foil or a heat-safe frying pan lid.

Adding a topping to your air-fried cake not only helps prevent over-browning but also enhances the flavor and presentation. Get creative with various toppings to truly elevate your cake.

With a variety of air fryer cake recipes available, including a basic chocolate cake that can be made using a boxed mix or from scratch, you have endless options to explore and experiment with. Just remember to adjust the cooking time when using different pan sizes by referring to conversion charts.

So, dust off your air fryer and let the cake baking adventure begin! With these tips and recipes at your fingertips, you’ll be whipping up delectable cakes in no time.


Can I bake a cake in an air fryer?

Yes, you can bake a cake in an air fryer. It is a quick and energy-saving process that yields delicious results.

What is the recommended size pan for baking in an air fryer?

It is recommended to use a smaller pan for even baking in an air fryer. This ensures that the cake is cooked evenly throughout.

How do I determine the correct time and temperature for baking in an air fryer?

Determining the correct time and temperature for baking in an air fryer is crucial. It is best to follow the recipe instructions or adjust the cooking settings based on the size of the cake and the air fryer being used.

How can I prevent the top of the cake from burning in an air fryer?

To prevent the top of the cake from burning in an air fryer, you can use aluminum foil or a heat-safe frying pan lid to shield it. This helps to ensure that the center of the cake is fully baked without overly browning the crust.

Can I add toppings to my air-fried cake?

Yes, adding toppings to your air-fried cake is a great way to enhance the flavor and prevent over-browning. You can experiment with different types of toppings to suit your taste preferences.

What is a basic air fryer chocolate cake recipe?

A basic air fryer chocolate cake recipe can be made using a boxed cake mix or from scratch. Both options yield delicious results and provide flexibility for different preferences.

How do I adjust the cooking time for different pan sizes in an air fryer?

It is important to use conversion charts to adjust the cooking time when using different sizes of pans in an air fryer. This ensures that the cake is properly cooked and not undercooked or overcooked.

Are there any additional air fryer cake recipes I can try?

Yes, there are plenty of air fryer cake recipes available. You can explore different flavors and types of cakes to experiment with your air fryer baking.

Do you have any tips for successful air fryer cake baking?

Absolutely! We have additional tips and tricks for successful air fryer cake baking, including ingredient substitutions, troubleshooting common issues, and suggestions for enhancing the taste and texture of your cakes.

Can you summarize the key points for baking a cake in an air fryer?

Baking a cake in an air fryer is a quick and energy-saving process. It is important to use a basic recipe, choose the right size pan, determine the correct time and temperature, shield the top of the cake from burning, and add toppings for flavor and protection. Experiment with different recipes and techniques to create delicious air-fried cakes at home.

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